Mastodon Verification Link Adventures on Windows – Sam Seltzer-Johnston

Mar 20, 2015

Adventures on Windows

I recently started porting some OpenGL code from Linux to Windows/MinGW, and let me tell you, trying to compile/link things on Windows without an IDE is a real pain compared to Linux. 

Why am I doing this you ask? Probably because I hate myself, but it’s actually part of a directed study project. Really, I promise.

Anyway, I’ve got a little project that spawned out of this painful process. Something I made a while ago using ncurses. A tiny text-based game engine. I haven’t given it an official name yet, so it’s just called TextEngine. It now uses FreeType and OpenGL for rendering, but I’m going to go back and add termbox support (because screw ncurses) for those who want to use it as a true text-based game engine.

It’s my first time making a game engine from scratch, so it’s more of a project to help me learn game engine architecture. It's on GitHub if you’re interested.

I even added a little tutorial in the readme that might shed some light on porting such applications for other developers. I had to scour the web for information on getting FreeGLUT and GLEW to compile and link properly, so now you don’t have to.

Enjoy! :)


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